Why People Find it Hard to Quit Cigarettes

Rosie Hirst
Rosie Hirst
Most people know that by stopping they will save several thousand dollars a year. Most people know that they could add years to their life. And most people know that if they stop smoking right now, they could save their health—before it’s too late.

So, why do people continue to smoke? With more than 20 years combined experience in dealing with the mind, we have found the answer to be the same all over the world. It all comes down to one thing…FEAR.

  • Fear that you’ll have to give up your crutch or pleasure
  • Fear that you won’t be able to enjoy life or handle stress
  • Fear that you will put on weight
  • Fear that you’ll have to go through an awful trauma to get free
  • Fear that you’ll never get completely free of the craving

All of these fears are just examples of one overriding fear. The one simple reason that you have not stopped smoking is that you:

Fear that it is going to be too painful and too difficult!

Hypnosis Makes it Easy

In fact, our unique hypnosis techniques make it so easy that after only sixty minutes you’ll leave a happy non-smoker—not feeling deprived, not feeling that you’ve made a sacrifice, and not feeling any pain.

Instead, you’ll have a huge sense of relief and elation that you have at last achieved what all smokers long to achieve, you have become a happy, permanent, nonsmoker.

A Lifetime Guarantee

ImageWe have so much confidence in our methods that after years in practice we are still one of the few hypnotherapists that offer a lifetime guarantee. This means that if you ever start smoking again, whether it is two days or two years down the road, all that you have to do is give us a call and we get you back in at no extra charge.

You may be wondering how we can offer these free back up sessions to our clients for a lifetime…

95% Stop in One Hour

ImageThe reason we can offer our unique lifetime guarantee is because we have such a high success rate. Literally, more than 95% of people stop in one session, and the remainder stop in a free half-hour back up session.

How do we consistently maintain such a high success rate, year in and year out with just a one hour session?

Our Unique Approach

Since the American Medical Association (AMA) and the British Medical Association (BMA) approved the use of clinical hypnosis in the 1950s, thousands of people have found hypnosis to be an effective way to stop smoking, lose weight, and otherwise improve their lives.

Of course, there are varying degrees of success with hypnosis because much depends upon the skill, experience, and general competence of the individual hypnotherapist—as well as the techniques being used by them.

Nothing To Fear - Everything To Gain

Hypnosis is possibly as old as mankind. The old myths and misconceptions about hypnosis have given way to proven, scientifically sound applications. Today, the use of hypnosis is seen in a variety of fields, including medicine, dentistry, law enforcement, professional sports, and education.

Most people have a limited understanding of the positive results that can be achieved in a professionally controlled hypnosis session. Let me dispel some of the myths and answer the most frequently asked questions about hypnosis.